100 Examples of Quiet (Casual) Misogyny

Many people believe that misogyny is the hatred of women. That is true, but it’s also about contempt, degradation, and disdain. In essence, misogyny is about reinforcing power.

In her epic book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny,  Kate Manne, notes that misogyny is the ‘law enforcement” branch of the patriarchy, used to uphold power structures. 

Misogyny is easy to see when someone is clear in verbalizing their hatred, but not many will do that, for fear of social consequences.

It’s more difficult to spot examples within the context of everyday life. So I made a list of 100 examples of the quiet, casual and subtle examples that come through even in the relationships with people you love. 

Because misogyny is not always conscious, and it is deeply embedded in the cultural conditioning of masculinity. 

People of all genders can exhibit misogyny.  

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